I'm going there Someday

I'm going there Someday

Friday, June 28, 2013

Unexpected Trial

I began writing a very detailed post of the events that started on Father's Day, but decided I just wasn't ready to share all the details. Here is the summary:
On Father's Day I had an unexpected gush of fluid. I wasn't having any bleeding or cramping but decided to go to Labor & Delivery just in case. I was 21 weeks pregnant. Our baby boys heart rate was great and the nitrazine test showed no amniotic fluid had leaked. I was sent home. During the next 12 hours I continued to have several more gushes of fluid. I went to my OBGYN on Monday. She first did an ultrasound that showed "amniotic fluid was on the low side." Again she did a nitrazine test that was negative. I was admitted into the hospital for IV fluid and monitoring. Tuesday morning a detailed ultrasound showed baby boy had very little amniotic fluid surrounding him. I had obviously lost a lot of amniotic fluid. We were told our baby boy had pretty much zero chance of survival whether he was born today or if I lasted 6 more weeks. At this point I was at risk for infection because my water had broke. I was allowed to go home. On Thursday we had another doctor appointment. The ultrasound showed I had continued leaking amniotic fluid. Baby had no fluid around him. Without this fluid he would not be able to develop properly. He also was small for gestational age. I problem with the placenta is also expected. I was then admitted to the hospital for delivery.
Our sweet baby boy was born Friday June 21, 2013. He was 9.8 ounces and 8.5 inches long. He was perfect in every way. We named him Porter Steffen McDonald. We got to spend several hours loving and holding him. We experienced a lot of peace and comfort during that time.
On Tuesday we had a small graveside service in which Drew was able to dedicate the grave. It was very special to us.
We are so grateful for the family and friends who have supported us during this difficult time.